August 2008

Our adventures in Europe.... continued....

In Zurich, Switzerland,

we stayed at the Marriott

When we went walking around, we noticed the streets were empty.


It was National Day in Switzerland.

We found the people, they were celebrating at the

Grossmünster Cathedral

After the service, there were several people that were carrying flags  
The city square also had people in costume.

These guys had the bells.  I wondered how heavy the bells were.

After Zurich, we drove to Munich Germany.

And in Munich, it was Summer Fest time.

We went to the BMW Headquarters &  Museum
and the new customer delivery center.
Inside of the Museum
Inside the Customer Delivery Center - BMW Welt
This table was an interactive computer.  Very cool
After BMW we went to Dachau Concentration Camp
After a day of site seeing, we took the "U" into Munich
We met this gentleman who gave us a nice history lesson.
The next day we drove to see Neuschwanstein Castle and

Hohenschwangau Palace

Both can be seen in the picture on the right.

This shows their proximity to each other.

One side of Neuschwanstein Castle
The other side of

Neuschwanstein Castle

Taken from St. Mary's Bridge

Hohenschwangau Palace
After the castles, we drove to Hallstatt Austria
Lake Hallstatt
We stayed at the Hotel Hirlatz
Parking is hard to come by in this little town
Because it is a small town and Catholics were opposed to cremation, The cemetery was "reused"  Bones were dug up every 10 to 15 years (as space was needed) The bones were then painted and placed in the Bone Chapel.
Hallstatt is known for their salt mines.

We had to tour the salt mine.

Paul & Elizabeth sliding in the salt mine

we went 19.5 km/hr down the slide

The view taking the funicular back to town.
Then we were off to Salzberg

While at the Castles, another American told us that we needed to go to Marienplatz to see a concert, so we did.

After the concert, we needed to find where "the monks make the beer"

Augustiner  mmmmmm

View of Salzburg from the Museum on top of the town.
One of the neatest things we did in Salzburg was the Sound of Music Tour (we used Bob's and would recommend)

This is what was used as the back of the Von Trapp house.  Originally the Gazebo was here, but the "stupid Americans" kept playing around in it and they moved it, but the American's kept following.  Many would try to do the dance scene that Liesl and Rolf did and would hurt themselves, so they just decided to keep it locked!!

Picture of The Sound of Music,  High Quality Photos

There was actually two Gazebos, one for filming the outside and the other for inside shots.

This is the tree lined lane that Maria sings "I've Got Confidence" on the way to the Von Trapp house.
Picture of The Sound of Music,  High Quality Photos

This is the garden the children danced it, if you can see little photo, it is taken from the top of the Do Re Mi stairs looking down at the garden (like on the left)

This is the statues that they danced around.

I think this is a picture of the steps.

  You can see that this is the same fountain from the movie
The bridge in the background is Motzart's Bridge. 

In the movie, the children were dancing across it with Maria.

In the movie, the real Maria Von Trapp wall through the archway with her daughter and niece while Julie Andrews in moving through the front of the scene.
When the children are playing in the garden, they boys race through this tunne.
The exterior of the church Maria and Capitan Von Trapp

are married in.

This is Sandra our tour guide, she gave us SO much information about the movie and the location, we really enjoyed her.
During the tour we stopped and did a luge ride

VERY fun, I wanted to go again

In this picture we are being pulled up (see the cable behind our heads)

This is Paul and going down.
While we were in Europe, the girls did a summer camp at the experimental farm.


This is Taylor's 6 week old calf named Collette



We went to the RCMP and checked out the horse stables. 

To the right is the riding arena.

To the left is the farrier's area.
The VERY neat tack room
The horse's homes




We all went to Charles and Valerie's house for BBQ
Charles has a pool, here is Katie with her beautifully executed jump
Anne Marie jumping in backwards
Graham has no fear
Here is Ethan's jump!
Jonah on the pool noodle
Jonah, Graham, Ethan and Katie
Ethan with his.
Graham with his chocolate mouth
The cousins on the porch steps.
The older, "more cooler" cousins (at least in their minds)


While we were in Canada, Angela went to Ram Tap and did some Cross Country Jumping.


Look at GiGI's smile, she had a great time.


Anne Marie's new hair do.
Mrs. Smith (elementary school principal) and

Anne Marie with the Brick Anne Marie got.

it says:

Anne Marie Bedard


Mrs. Smith Rocks

Taylor ready for High School
Anne Marie ready for Jr High