April 5th - Jerez and Gibraltar

This is the first day we ventured off driving out of town. 

We went to Jerez to see a horse show. 

We are in a van, we were following a small car.  Do you see how small the streets are?  Cars are parked everywhere!

We visited the Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre.

The show was great, it was amazing to see what they have taught the horses to do.


On the way to Gibraltar, we passed by Tarifa which is known for their wind and kite surfing. 

Do you see all of the specks in the photo above, they are all kites.


YEAH Gibraltar!

Gibraltar was interesting, you have to walk across a LIVE RUNWAY.

We took a city bus around the town and decided to go to a Moorish Castle (above).  From where the bus dropped us off we had to walk up a hill (left)
This is looking back down the hill where Marilou, Suzanne and Bob are walking up.
We were upset that the castle was closed, and then we saw the APES!

This is right before he turned around and growled at Paul

We had a yummy fish and chips dinner in England, then walked back to Spain and drove home.

April 6th - Tanger